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Applicable Ragnarok Online Renewal Item Database. Now some of you that may have read my other guide on Assassins will point out to me that the perfect dodge assassin is really a dual weapon assassin so to stop people from pointing that out this will be called the 'Non-Luck-based- Guides' I started this guide..because I had no room in my other guide to stuff a couple of more builds in. Level Up Slot - bROWiki Ragnarok Online:. RO Renewal Item Database:Headgear - RO Item Flu Mask - slots armas ragnarok A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to others.Add a 10% resistance online casino dealer pbcom tower to the Silence status.bonus bBaseAtk,10; bonus bMatk,10; */ },{},{} Dropped ByNo Result Assassin Dagger [ 0 ] [ One Hand ] Item ID# 1232 (Assasin_Dagger) Type Weapon Class Dagger Buy 20z Sell 10z Weight 60 Attack Property Darkness / Shadow Applicable Jobs Assassin Description A dagger commonly used by Assassins.
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