Far Cry 4 2 Save Slots
In stores, from various traveling traders and also in lockers in your hideouts (liberated outposts) you can buy your equipment. The majority of weapons can be unlocked by completing storyline missions or side missions. Some of the guns also become available the first time you loot them, e.g. from a dead soldier. This does not mean that it automatically becomes yours - you still need to buy it. To get weapons for free, activate bell towers.

The White Collar Players present a short tutorial for PC players of Far Cry 5 on how to create and use multiple 'save slots' for the game. These allow you to have multiple characters, or let your. 856 is the save prefix of Steam games, if you bought your game elsewhere the number might be different. Copy the files in the directories into the 856 directory, but make a save of your savegame first. For Far Cry 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Answers question titled 'How do I unlock extra weapon slots?' Far Cry 5 Unlock 4th Weapon Slot. Once you defeat the first lieutenant of Joseph Seed and you have enough perk points, you will unlock 4th weapon slot. Multiple Save Slots? Far Cry Primal. I am curious if there are multiple save slots or not in Far Cry Primal? Save hide report. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 1 point 3 years ago.
After you upgrade the 'Holster' to the maximum level, you can carry around 4 guns - 3 main ones and a sidearm. Additionally, depending on the bag for throwables, and the bag for explosives, you can carry around various number of Molotov cocktails, mines and C4 explosives. After you complete various upgrades, you can carry quite an arsenal with lots of ammo. At the stores, you can buy appropriate weapons and put them in the slots. Also, you can buy various upgrades for the weapons.
To do that, pick the weapon that you want to modify. Then, assign it to a specific slot. After that, you access the menu that specifies the statistics of the weapon. You can pick from among three types of upgrades - the barrel, the scope and the magazine. Not all of the upgrades are available for each of the weapons, some have restrictions, when it comes to the number of possible modifications. While picking an upgrade, you can view how they will affect the statistics of the weapon.
Remember to pick the muffler, for stealth actions.
Signature weapons
Apart from the regular ones, there also are signature weapons. These are better and remodeled variants of the standard guns. They have better statistics - greater accuracy, improved firepower or firerate. You cannot change upgrades here - the gun that you buy must remain intact. There are conditions that you need to meet, if you want to get a given weapon. If you are not in a hurry, I recommend that you do that only after you reach the third Karma level, at least - you will then receive a discount of 25%, which makes a difference, given the prices of these guns.
Name | Price (without the discount) | How to unlock |
Sixer | 255 000$ Black label vs jack daniels. | Your first visit to the store |
HS77 | 280 000$ | Complete 2 'Hunting: Control' missions |
Cannon | 300 000$ | Complete 5 'Hostage Rescue' missions |
Rebel | 315 000$ | Liberate 10 outposts. |
Stormer | 290 000$ | Remove 1 propaganda poster |
Stinger | 295 000$ | Destroy 2 'Pagan's Wrath' convoys |
Shredder | 500 000$ | Reach the sixth level of Karma. |
87 | 270 000$ | Collect 4 Mohan Ghale's journal entries. |
Bull | 305 000$ | Complete 2 'Defuse the Explosive' missions |
Warrior | 320 000$ | Seize 2 'Royal cargo' trucks |
Trooper | 415 000$ | Collect 20 Yalunga masks |
Bushman | 440 000$ | Reach rank 10 on the arena |
Predator | 300 000$ | Complete 4 'Armed Escort' missions |
AMR | 520 000$ | Liberate 23 outposts |
Ripper | 460 000$ | Seize 4 forts |
Buzzsaw | 550 000$ | Liberate 17 bell towers |
Want to unlock more weapon slots in Far Cry 5? Come inside.
Black jack online free game with side bets. Far Cry 5 doesn’t hold your hand as much as some Ubisoft games. The world isn’t peppered in towers to climb, unlocking points of interest on the map. Instead, you are encouraged to explore, to chat to civilians, and to unlock missions by nosing around.
If you want to unlock all the weapon slots so you can go into fights fully-loaded in Far Cry 5, it’s probably best to not explore too far at first, mind you.
How to unlock more weapon slots in Far Cry 5
You start out Far Cry 5, once the game kicks off properly, able to carry two firearms, a bunch of melee weapons, and a selection of throwables. While you’re absolutely still a force if you balance your loadout, you have to make sacrifices.
Most will probably spend the first chunk of the game with a silenced pistol – good for stealth and when in a pinch – and an assault rifle, which works in most situations. Still, you’ll be itching to carry an explosive weapon and a long-range rifle. That’s why you will want to unlock the other two weapon slots as soon as possible.
Far Cry 4 2 Save Slots Online
To unlock the third weapon slot, you will simply need to buy the perk. It costs eight perk points. See our perk points guide for tips on how to bag those.
For the fourth, you will need to have a confrontation with one of the Seeds – one of the cult leaders dotted around Montana. The first you will likely encounter once leaving the tutorial island is John Seed. He lords over Holland Valley, his catchphrase, ‘Yes’, erected on a distant hillside like a messed up Hollywood sign.
You need to fill up John Seed’s progress bar to face off with him. Do this by completing missions, side quests, freeing civilians, liberating compounds, blowing up cult property, and killing cult VIPs. Every third of the bar will trigger a story mission.
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Once you’re there, you will have a showdown with him. The perk to get the fourth weapon slot is unlocked after this fight.
4.2 Ios
The trick to unlocking it quickly is staying in the same region. You don’t want to spread yourself out, because the fourth weapon slot in Far Cry 5 is only available once you take care of one of the Seeds.
Far Cry 4 Download
Want more? Here’s how to get perk points in Far Cry 5. Still hungry? Here are Far Cry 5 perks and playstyles.